Monday, 1 August 2011

Summertime Spoos

The road to hell is paved with good intentions!
I really did intend  to post regular updates here but it's 5 months since my last entry-oh dear!
In that time the spoo pups have really grown up.
They're the best of friends and now well integrated into the pack.
Frankie appears to have quite aceptable distant sight tho her close vision isn't too good - she manages very well  though and doesn't let it inhibit her enjoyment of life.

I started them both at dog traning classes in May - Frankie passed her KCGood Citizen Puppy Foundation test in June - Fiki is due to take her KCGC Broze test in September - they are both amazingly tracable, quick to learn andrealy keen to please.
I'm so glad all my fears that two pups together would spell disaster have not been realised!

I do try to occasionally give them some 1 to 1 time - to build their self-confidence and strengthen our bond- Fiki came to Cumbria for a (very wet) holiday with Zurie + Simon - Frankie stayed home with Ebs+ Caspurr. Both the girls started their seasons while we were away- Frankie was very pleased to see us return!


Saint Rafiki

Rafiki is growing into a sweet little soul (though Caspurr the Cornish Rex may not agree at times when her games can get a little over-boisterous)
This morning after her first visit to the garden she dashed back in and rushed straight into my bedroom - I followed rapidly to find her sitting on the bed looking dwn at a dear little greenfinch which had obviously been badly affected by the very cold night.
She must have found him on the path and carried him carefully in to place him on the furry throw on our bed- she looked up at me as if expecting me to do something to help it and raised no objection as we popped it into a box and gave it an hour in the airing cupboard . She's now known as St Fiki.

Yesterday she had her first experience of a free run in woodland- she loved it - even though it was cold, verry muddy and we were attacked by a heavy hailstorm!
By the time we returned there was no option but to bath both Zurie and Fi they were absolutely lagged in mud but very happy - she now looks like a little fluff ball but very elegant as I've trimmed back herhind end a liitle to put her in pyjama trim- it really suits her lovely shape

***This was actually written November 2010 - just found it in drafts - so posted at long last-Whoops!!!