Saturday, 29 October 2011

Itzapromise Spoo Reunion!

This week the weather down here changed seasons - it's autumn now - raining and windy with just occasional brief glimpses of sun.
Hard to believe that just last week we had a lovely sunny and warm visit to Trebah Gardens with Zurie and Fiki - it felt like summer then!
We didn't take Frankie on that trip as we needed to give Fiki some individual training and thought it would be a little stressful for Frankie, so she  stayed at home happily with Little Ebs and Caspurr.
Trebah is a great place for training - the dogs are made welcome but must stay on leads although they can even be taken into the restaurant there. Zurie has been there many times (tho not this year) and he LOVES it! Knows exactly how to behave - tucking himself away when we sit down to eat but loving all the sights and smells and attention when we walk around the gardens and down to the beach.
He was a great schoolmaster for Fiki!
When Fiki has it cracked we'll take Frankie too so she can follow their lead!

Last month we took all the poodles away for a few days to Hereford.

We stayed in a lovely dog-friendly cottage belonging to an old friend. Frankie handled it amazingly well - calmly checked it all out and then thoroughly enjoyed charging around the huge garden,orchard and private 20acre wood with Fiki, Zurie and, on occasions, the 5 labradors belonging to my friend. She always amazes us with her calm confident approach to changes in spite of her poor eyesight - she lives life to the full!
 Fiki was her usual bouncy self - loving everything and everyone with GREAT enthusiasm!
Even Little Ebs enjoyed the holiday though she usually hates going anywhere away from home!

This week we had a lovely day when Jane came  down to visit us with 3 of the Itzapromise girls- Dollar (Fiki's mum) Audrey (Frankie's older sister) and Spirit (the 5m old black+ apricot phantom spoo pup)- Dollar and Audrey are both very pregnant so were fairly restrained in their greetings but Spirit had a great time with my two girls- playing wonderful chase games in the (rather wet) fields together- and, of course, Zurie just loved the temporary pack extension - he had 5  girls to walk out with:-))
They all got on so well together and they loved Auntie Sarah visiting too -with her bag full of yummy treats!
Unfortunately I had no camera this week so Jane took all the photos  (see her blog Itzapromise Blogspot) as she captured all  the fun and action of our lovely day together.
I think she was pleased to see how the girls had grown and how well Frankie is enjoying life down here.
Both Fiki and Frankie have now been spayed and Fiki is already eating better so should start to put back the body condition she lost when she became so finicky around her season.
She's also passed her KCGood Citizen Bronze test and is well on her way to taking her Silver.
She's very tractable now and behaves well (most of the time) but still has a wicked sense of humour and is still full of fun - as every good spoo should be!!!!