Sunday, 24 October 2010

Rafiki's First Week

Well,she's been here a week now and she's won us all over- even her new big brother, Zurie,(who was a little reserved at first) will sit beside her, play tug and chase and wash her food bowl now (not that theres ever anything left in it now she's settled in!)
Little Ebony thought she was ok from the start - another source of fun - Rafiki was just a little bigger than her when she arrived but she's grown so much this week she's half as tall again but they still play good games as little Ebs knows how to use all of her 4kg!!
    Caspurr, the Cornish Rex cat, has had a thorough ear-washing on several occasions- Rafiki obviously learnt that lesson from Sybil when she was at Itzapromise.

     The weather,apart from the first day when it rained non-stop, has been really helpful in the housetraining process- Rafiki has explored the whole garden thoroughly - she has so much confidence- if theres no-one willing to go with her she just takes off on her own.

Her favourite activity in the garden is swinging- Tarzan-style - from a branch of a palm tree which hangs low over the lawn - I've tried to capture it on camera but keep getting photos of grass -she moves far too fast for my reactions.

She's such fun - a bit "light at the front end" so spends a lot of time twirling and leaping into the air- she never turns to change direction - she pirhouettes!

1 comment:

  1. The post above was put into a draft in August - only just got round to putting it on the blog - she's grown so much since then:-))
